Art by Hailey Gaiser.

Sh*t’s Still Weird, So Let’s Dance: July 2020

I think we can all agree that this summer is turning out to be one of the strangest. I remember back when shit first started hitting the fan in March, thinking how I would probably be flying around the world again by fall. Hah! Although here in Paris life is starting to revert to some degree of “normalcy” again, I know for many of my friends around the world it’s not. Plus, everything could change in a snap! So, my July playlist for Seven Seas Music features some nice summery tunes from friends all over the world - dedicated to my friends all over the world - with songs that remind me of the good times I’ve had with you and will have again (at some point 😉).



Last Rays of Sunshine: August 2020


Summer of Love: June 2020